1. Choose and Adjust Frame
a. when choosing a frame be aware of your B measurement (frame depth)
b. avoid frames that deeply cut away from the nasal (some aviator shapes)
c. Adjust nose pads as if dispensing frame
d. Adjust temples to straighten horizontal fit (leveling)
e. Adjust frame to fit close to eye (12 to 14mm)
f. Adjust Pantoscopic tilt between (10 to 12 degrees)
2. Dot Pupils for fitting Height
a. have the patient sit up and then ask them to relax
b. align your eyes at the same height as the patient
c. tell them to look straight focusing at your eyes
d, dot pupil centers of each eye (broad tip marker works well)
e. remove frames and draw a short horizontal line through the dots
3. Put frame back on Patient
a. ask the patient to stand and look at a distant object
I. observe posture and head stance
b. View the patient’s line of sight from the side it should pass through your horizontal line. Alter line if necessary
4. Measure Monocular PD’s
a. Set pupilometer at infinity
b. record results